O2 Staffs unlock and sell iPhone on eBay, get fired

Posted by Nek | 6/02/2008 11:06:00 PM | ,

You know, iPhone is now sold out in the UK. And in the comming July, we could expect a new version of iPhone(aka 3G iPhone or iPhone2) to arrive at both O2 and Apple. But surprisingly, you could still buy a new iPhone on eBay, becasue some O2 employees unlocked and sold them.

According to Dialaphone:

"Half a dozen O2 employees have been fired after they were caught selling iPhones over the internet.

The employees were apparently making use of a 20% staff discount to buy the iPhones to unlock and sell on eBay. Twenty more members of staff are under investigation after the scam was uncovered last week."

If you get some money in your pocket, why don't you just waiting for a week or so for the new iPhone? Why would you still turn to the over-priced and old one? That makes little sense i'm afraid.

[photo by nickburcher]

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